Satellite Based Rainfall

Rainfall is the main driver of the land surface hydrological cycle. It is therefore an essential retrieved variable for a range of applications related to water management and flood/drought monitoring and early warning. Rainfall can be captured using Rain gauge networks. Automatic weather station is also one of the ways to measure rainfall. Satellite based data Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM) Multi-Satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA; 0.25°, 3-hourly; Huffman et al., 2007 / The Global Precipitation Measurement mission (GPM; Smith et al., 2004) can add the reliability to the data analysis and it will also provide spatial distribution of rainfall. Spatial distribution of rainfall can help us to derive better planning with respect to water availability and their efficient management.  The GPM observed the of rain for every 3 hr at 10-km resolution. It carries the GPM Microwave Imager that captures precipitation intensities and horizontal patterns and the Dual frequency.

Precipitation Radar that provides insights into the three-dimensional structure of precipitating particles. The GPM extends the capabilities of the TRMM sensors to measure light rain and quantify micro-physical properties of precipitation.

A brief methodology is described to derive the rainfall data analysis along with supplementary gauge data.

Floodkon and dedicated team is able to analyze GPM derived rainfall data for the following prospects

  1. Utilization in Flood Predictions and River Managements
  2. Utilization in Water Balance Studies
  3. Half Hourly Data Preparation for Urban Flood Management
  4. Utilization in Climate Variation Studies
  5. Better Agricultural Crop Planning
  6. Monitoring Freshwater Resources